"Since we implemented the methodology from the LinkedIn Alchemist Course, we see a consistent higher level of interested prospects"

- ScaleUp Company Netherlands

Jeroen Volk RA MSc, Founder and Course Tutor

"Using Linkedin to Influence people for my (large) B2B deals has been a crucially important activity with all my larger Won deals" - Jeroen Volk

Go to the LinkedIn Alchemist Academy Product Page

Introducing the CxO Alchemist LinkedIn Course

🌟 Discover the transformative power of LinkedIn for CxOs with our CxO Alchemist LinkedIn Course. Learn strategies to amplify your influence and drive results.

πŸŽ₯ Watch our explainer video to understand how this course can elevate your professional presence and networking skills.

"Alchemist: A person who transforms or Creates something through a seemingly magical process"

Transform Your LinkedIn Influence!

Enhanced Credibility and Authority

Establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry with content that resonates and positions you at the forefront of your field.

Expanded Network of Connections

Unlock the power of strategic networking by connecting with fellow executives, industry leaders, and potential partners across the globe.

Increased Opportunities

Attract new business, speaking engagements, and board positions through a distinguished LinkedIn presence.

Student of the February 19 class: β€œIf you're looking to unlock the full potential of LinkedIn, Jeroen's LinkedIn Alchemist course is the course you've been looking for. With his depth of expertise and practical, no-nonsense approach, Jeroen doesn't just teach you the tricks of the trade - he hands you a highly practical step-by-step blueprint to LinkedIn success. With the powerful range of LinkedIn strategies I've learnt so far, applying them almost feels like an unfair advantage!”

Introducing the CxO Alchemist LinkedIn Course

🌟 Discover the transformative power of LinkedIn for CxOs with our CxO Alchemist LinkedIn Course. Learn strategies to amplify your influence and drive results.
πŸŽ₯ Watch our explainer video to understand how this course can elevate your professional presence and networking skills.
πŸš€ Additionally, explore our CEO Mastery Program, designed to keep you informed and ahead. Stay updated with the latest in AI and leadership trends through our concise, impactful sessions.
πŸ‘‡ For detailed information on these innovative offerings, check out the β€˜Services’ section below or navigate to the β€˜Services’ menu.

Emma-Jane: "One key insight that stood out for me is that the power of automation and technology can be harnessed to create a lead generation engine. LinkedIn is a valuable tool that few people understand how to leverage effectively.”

What is the LinkedIn Alchemist Course about?

1 Hour/Week

Online Class

1 Hour/Week

Self-paced video learning

1 Hour/Week

Homework (to get Certified)

Key topics of the LinkedIn Alchemist Course?

Strategy & Tactics

From Plan to Execution

ChatGPT (Content)

Work Smart, not Hard

Smart Processes

Work Smarter, not Harder

Tim of ScaleUp Company Netherlands: "Jeroen's CxO LinkedIn Alchemist Course gives you a perfect step by step guidebook in becoming more influential on LinkedIn. It's amazing to see your LinkedIn profile progress week by week!”

Exclusively Available for Scaling Up Professionals

This Course starts July 10, 2024 (LinkedIn Alchemist 13 weeks - 18:00 CET/12:00 AM EST/9:00 AM PST)

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